A return to my childhood

A couple of weeks ago I was on a mission. This mission involved visiting all of the thrift and antique stores in Sandy to find this thing I was looking for. I didn't find what I was looking for in the thrift stores but I found a lot of other great things. I found lots and lots of old cameras. I resisted temptation for most of it but this one I had to buy. To my credit, I waited an entire day to let it simmer before I went back to the Goodwill to buy this old camera. It is a Keystone Pocketflash 106 and I picked it up for $2.99. I decided I needed it because several months ago I accidentally bought<a href="http://shop.lomography.com/us/films/110-film" target="_blank"> 110 film from Lomography</a>. I thought it might be fun to use it. I bought a film called <a href="http://shop.lomography.com/us/films/110-film/lobster-110-redscale" target="_blank">Lobster Redscale</a>.

I can't express how giddy it makes me to hold this camera in my hands. I had one very similar to this when I was a kid, it was the camera I cut my teeth on. I took photos of everything with it! It was a blast to play around with this. It even has a flash! I am a happy girl.

The photos are terrible quality, as they always have been with these types of cameras but, still. There are a few from the roll that are passable. These I took at <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_Park,_Portland,_Oregon" target="_blank">Cathedral Park</a> in Portland, Oregon.

Amsterdam Vs. Sandy

I met Inge via Brendan when I first saw the film swap they did together. I checked out her photography on Flickr and was all, "I need to be friends with this woman." We have a lot in common, film photography and tattoos being a couple of those things. I am glad that she felt the same way because I have really enjoyed getting to know her on Twitter and Facebook. Inge lives in the Netherlands and took her photos in Amsterdam. She shot her side of the roll with an Afga Optima. She redscaled the roll and sent it my way to Oregon where I re-shot it on a walk around Sandy one Sunday evening. My shots are upside down which made for some interesting effects.

The idea of Amsterdam vs Sandy makes me laugh a bit. Sandy is so small town and hokey. I love my little town, don't get me wrong. But it is.  I thought it might be fun to contrast my small town with Amsterdam, which in my mind is this mythological utopia of liberal goodness (I have never been there but it is on my list of Places I Must Visit Before I Die).

You can see more of Inge's work on her Flickr.