Pinhole Film Swap with Aware Of The Void

As I mentioned a few posts down, I became interested in doing pinhole film swaps several months ago when I discovered people were doing them. As I thought about pinhole film swaps I came up with an idea. What if a person just sent an entire camera with film re-rolled to another person? My Pinholga is lightweight and cheap, so if it gets lost in the mail it's no big deal. Also, using the same camera would ensure the frames matched up. So I asked my friend Brendan if he would be interested in trying this and he was! I spent the next few weeks shooting a roll, then I sent it overseas to Ireland. I have to say, it was really fun seeing my little Holga on location in Ireland on Brendan's IG feed every now and then. And I am now thinking my little Holga needs more Transatlantic adventures...

I really love how the shots came out! I am really liking the way pinhole film swaps turn out in general and I really want to do more of them. The weird, dreamy nature of pinhole works well with the serendipity the double exposed image. 

Here are my faves. Click the thumbnail for bigger. 

I will get my camera back next week in Amsterdam - with a fresh roll ready to expose -  so stay tuned for a round two! 

You can see more (previous) film swap results from Brendan and I on my Flickr. 

You should definitely check out Brendan's wonderful photography. You can do so on his Flickr or his blog, Aware Of The Void. 

Sometimes the inexplicable happens

One day last summer my friend Inge alerted me and some other friends to a contest from Fluster Magazine. It was a film swap contest and she thought that I would be interested in participating. She was right (as you might have guessed). I was very interested. So I filled out the form so I could be partnered with a swap buddy. My buddy was a woman from Singapore and she would be the first shooter. I was really excited at the prospect of collaborating with someone from Singapore! However, two weeks went by and I didn’t hear a word from her. The person in charge of the contest emailed me to check in and I told her that my partner hadn’t gotten in touch yet so she said she would connect me with someone else.

A couple of days later I got a message from my friend Brendan. He said that his Swappa partner didn’t work out and they randomly partnered him with a person named Moni from the USA (me). I thought he was joking. I thought this was his funny way of asking to do another filmswap and so  I went along with the joke. My initial assumption was that his Swappa buddy didn’t work out and he was the first shooter, so he had this film swap roll needing a home (crazy how the mind works at  5:30 in the morning). Eventually it became clear that this was no joke. And, indeed, I checked my email and there was something from the organizer introducing Brendan and I as Swappa buddies and giving us instruction on what to do.

So yeah. That was weird.

It just so happens that three of our photos made it into the finals and are in a book.You can preview and purchase the book here.

Here are some of the results from our swap. They turned out really great. My shots were taken at Timberline Lodge and the Japanese Garden in PDX and his in and around Dublin, Ireland.

International Film Swap Pt. 2

My International Filmswap with Brendan from Aware of the Void continues! He shot the last of the three rolls on Sunday - and even developed them himself so we could have results that day. I am so pleased with how they turned out! Here are some of my favorites. 

My side was shot in Downtown Portland, Oregon and at Cape Disappointment, Washington. His side was shot in Dublin, Ireland. He blogs at and he has a really good Flickr stream that you should check out too.

See the photos from Part 1 here.

Source: http://monismithphotography.files.wordpres...